• Safer Access Family Letter

     June 2023

     Dear Families,

    We have some important news to share regarding the safety measures at our school. In line with our commitment to enhance security practices, all NYC Public Schools will have a Safer Access system installed during the 2023-25 school years. The Safer Access system is designed to strengthen our existing safety and security practices as part of the overall visitor protocols at our school.

    What is Safer Access?

                The primary objective of the Safer Access system is to ensure that all doors remain locked outside of the morning-entry and afternoon-dismissal periods. When school doors are locked, visitors wishing to gain access to the building will ring the intercom at the main entrance door (or ADA-accessibility entrance if applicable) and identify themselves before access is granted into the school building. Safer Access allows our dedicated staff assigned to the main desk (School Safety Agents and/or school staff) to be able to see and speak with visitors before granting them access inside. Please be assured that all visitors to our school will continue to be treated with courtesy, professionalism, and respect while awaiting entry into our building. In addition to enhancing safety, this system allows for easy access for first responders during an emergency.

    Once our Safer Access system is installed and operational, our school staff (including School Safety Agents) and students will receive training on using the system as well as how to support all visitors in accordance with our policy.

    We believe Safer Access will greatly contribute to maintaining a secure learning environment for our students and staff.

    We look forward to the NYC Public Schools Safer Access system creating a safer environment for everyone. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for your continued support in keeping our school community safe.

    Warm regards,

    Ms. T. Mobley, Principal

    East New York Family Academy
  • ENYFA's Musical Theatre Production!

    Set sail with ENYFA's first ever musical theatre production and come see Cole Porter's Anything Goes! Show dates are Friday, May 3rd at 6pm and Saturday, May 4th at 2pm. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased in advance through Mrs. G in the main office or can be bought at the door. You don't want to miss this show! It truly is going to be spectacular!

    East New York Family Academy
  • Jupiter tutorial video

    Our school uses the Jupiter web-app to help keep you informed about your child's progress. You can login anytime to check your child's current grades, homework, missing assignments, test scores, and report cards, and to contact teachers. Here's how to get started:

    East New York Family Academy
  • TRANSCRIPT NIGHT ( presentation materials)

    Transcript Night was a great success! Thank you to all the students and families who attended.  If you were not able to attend, you can access the presentation materials here.  There will be another transcript night held this year, stay tuned! 
    East New York Family Academy

    Virtual PTA Meeting

    How to join:

    1. Video -Click link


    2. Phone/Audio-

                Dial 646 558 8656

                When prompted

                Meeting ID: 922 9558 2360
                Passcode: 025893


     ***Every month on the First Saturday***

     This is a recurring meeting; same link for every meeting.

     Dates are as follow:

            Nov 4, 2023 10:00 AM

    East New York Family Academy

    Phones are not to be used during school. Every student is assigned a personal Yondr Pouch. While the Yondr Pouch is considered school property, it is each student’s responsibility to keep it in good working condition.


    As students Arrive to School, they will:

    1) Turn their phone off.

    2) Place their phone inside their assigned pouch and secure it in front of school staff.

    3) Store their pouch in their backpack for the day.

    At the end of the day, students will open their Pouch, remove their phone and put their Pouch in their class bin.

    *Students arriving late or leaving early will pouch/unpouch their phones in the Main Office.



    Pouch Damage / Lost Pouch / Using Phone During School

    - If a student is caught on or in possession of their unpouched phone, Administration will collect the phone/Pouch and call home.

    - If the pouch is damaged, there is a $20 replacement fee and the pouched phone will be turned in to an administrator for the rest of the week.

    - If the behavior continues, a parent meeting will be required.


    Examples of damage:

    ● Deep scratches on the globe and on the green ring around it ● Intentional pen marks on the inside of the Pouch ● Bent pins ● Pin and button not fully recessing, due to pin damage

    East New York Family Academy
  • Updated DOE School Calendar 2023-2024

    NYC Department of Education School Year Calendar 2023-2024

    East New York Family Academy
  • Welcome to the 23-24 School Year!

    Hello ENYFA Family,

    Welcome to the 23-24 School Year!

    We hope you had an enjoyable summer. This year we will implement a few added items to help the school year run smoothly and to have a more engaging time at ENYFA.

    1- Every student will be provided with uniform items... for free!  Middle school students may wear khaki or black bottoms. High school students may wear any color bottoms but no leggings or ripped jeans.

    2- To ensure our scholars are completely focused on instruction, phones will be secured in Yondr pouches. Scholars will receive a locking pouch to place their phone and keep it secured inside the pouch until the end of the day. The pouch will remain with the scholar and can be opened for emergencies by visiting the assistant principal’s office in Rm 311.

    3- Swimming courses are now being offered as a physical education course. If your scholar is scheduled for swimming, please ensure they bring a swimsuit/trunk and a towel on their assigned swimming days. We also suggest a plastic bag to keep wet items and hygiene items to use after you leave the pool.

    4- ENYFA Podcast group is being formed this year. This is an opportunity for scholars to discuss current events. If your child is interested, they should speak to Mr. Caraballo in Room 224.

    5- Scholars now have an opportunity to join after-school clubs on Thursdays and Fridays. If they are interested in forming a club, they may present their idea to a teacher that could serve as the advisor of the club.

    6- Scholars will now have an opportunity to participate in electives of their choosing. Surveys went out last year for student choice. Any questions, reach out to one of the assistant principals.

    7- ENYFA will host various parent engagement opportunities this year like 30-minute meals and painting. If you have any ideas, please reach out to our parent coordinator.

    8- Every month, families will receive a school calendar with tentative dates of events at the school. Please contact the main office if you do not receive our mailings so we may update your information.

    We look forward to seeing our wonderful scholars, in uniform, on September 7th at 7:55 am.

    Enjoy the rest of the summer!

    Ms. T. Mobley, Principal

    East New York Family Academy

    Welcome to the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year. 
    We will be distributing uniforms on Monday, August 14, 2023 and August 15, 2023. 
    Distribution will be as follow:

    Monday, August 14, 2023. 
    9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
    Tuesday,  August 15, 2023 
    9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
    *** All new students MUST be accompanied by a parent!  Pictures will be taken of all new students.
    ***Please make sure to bring all completed forms that was distributed during orientation along with a bag to carry the uniforms.
    *** As a reminder, we are on summer schedule, therefore the doors will be closed promptly at 2:00 PM. Make sure to be here before 2:00 PM. No exceptions. 
    East New York Family Academy


    East New York Family Academy
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